TODO: briefly mention motivation and differences from lens
See the main module Optics for the documentation.
- Data
- Either
- Maybe
- Set
- Tuple
- Generics
- Language
- Haskell
- Optics The main module, usually you only need to import this one.
- Optics.AffineFold
- Optics.AffineTraversal
- Optics.Arrow
- Optics.Each
- Optics.Equality
- Optics.Fold
- Optics.Getter
- Optics.Indexed
- Optics.Iso
- Optics.IxFold
- Optics.IxSetter
- Optics.IxTraversal
- Optics.Lens
- Optics.LensyReview
- Optics.Operators
- Optics.Optic
- Optics.Prism
- Optics.PrismaticGetter
- Optics.Re
- Optics.Review
- Optics.Setter
- Optics.Traversal
- Optics.Unindexed