module NCILL.Examples.EtaBeta where

open import NCILL

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)

-- Cut is admissible, but proof objects can still have roundabouts:
-- there might be possible η-reductions to be made.

times-η :  A B  [ A  B ]  A  B
times-η  _ _ = times-L [] (times-R var var) 

times-η′ :  A B  [ A  B ]  A  B
times-η′ _ _ = var

times-η≢η′ : (∀ A B  times-η A B  times-η′ A B)  
times-η≢η′ f with f ♯1 ♯1
times-η≢η′ f | ()

-- Compare that to β-reduction, CUT /is/ admissible.

times-β :  A B C  A  B  []  C  A  B  []  C
times-β _ _ _ s = cut [] (times-R var var) (times-L [] s)

times-β′ :  A B C  A  B  []  C  A  B  []  C
times-β′ _ _ _ s = s

times-β≡β′ :  A B C  times-β A B C  times-β′ A B C
times-β≡β′ _ _ _ = refl

-- Yet Agda is smarter, for record (with product as special example)

agda-pair-η :  {a}  (A B : Set a)  (p :  A × B)  (proj₁ p ,  proj₂ p)  p
agda-pair-η _ _ _ = refl

agda-pair-β :   {a}  (A B C : Set a)
   (f : A  B  C)
   f   x y  let p = x , y in f (proj₁ p) (proj₂ p)) 
agda-pair-β _ _ _ _f = refl

-- Importantly (Eta) extensionality doesn't apply to functions in Agda! See:

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (Extensionality)