Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Regular expression as types.
- data RE a
- type E = E
- type V = V
- type S = S
- type (<>) a b = a :<> b
- type (\/) a b = a :\/ b
- data HList :: [*] -> * where
- hsingleton :: a -> HList '[a]
- hlength :: HList xs -> Int
- type family Append (xs :: [*]) (ys :: [*]) :: [*] where ...
- append :: HList xs -> HList ys -> HList (Append xs ys)
- split :: SList xs -> HList (Append xs ys) -> (HList xs, HList ys)
- data SList :: [*] -> * where
- class SListI (xs :: [*]) where
- hlistToSList :: HList xs -> SList xs
- data Match :: RE * -> [*] -> * where
- MatchE :: Match E '[]
- MatchV :: forall a. Match (V a) '[a]
- MatchA :: forall re re' xs ys. SList xs -> Match re xs -> Match re' ys -> Match (re <> re') (Append xs ys)
- MatchL :: forall re re' xs. Match re xs -> Match (re \/ re') xs
- MatchR :: forall re re' xs. Match re' xs -> Match (re \/ re') xs
- MatchN :: forall re. Match (S re) '[]
- MatchC :: forall re xs ys. SList xs -> Match re xs -> Match (S re) ys -> Match (S re) (Append xs ys)
- MatchT :: forall xs. SList xs -> Match T xs
- class MatchI (re :: RE *) (xs :: [*]) where
- justMatchIt :: Match re xs
- matchE :: Match E '[]
- matchV :: Match (V a) '[a]
- matchA :: SListI xs => Match r xs -> Match s ys -> Match (r <> s) (Append xs ys)
- matchL :: Match r xs -> Match (r \/ s) xs
- matchR :: Match s xs -> Match (r \/ s) xs
- matchN :: Match (S re) '[]
- matchC :: SListI xs => Match r xs -> Match (S r) ys -> Match (S r) (Append xs ys)
- withE :: x -> Match E xs -> HList xs -> x
- withV :: (a -> x) -> Match (V a) xs -> HList xs -> x
- withUnion :: (Match r xs -> HList xs -> x) -> (Match r' xs -> HList xs -> x) -> Match (r \/ r') xs -> HList xs -> x
- withAppend :: (x -> y -> z) -> (forall xs. Match r xs -> HList xs -> x) -> (forall ys. Match r' ys -> HList ys -> y) -> Match (r <> r') zs -> HList zs -> z
- withStarMon :: forall x r zs. Monoid x => (forall xs. Match r xs -> HList xs -> x) -> Match (S r) zs -> HList zs -> x
- withStarR :: forall x y r zs. (x -> y -> y) -> y -> (forall xs. Match r xs -> HList xs -> x) -> Match (S r) zs -> HList zs -> y
- withAppend3 :: (x -> y -> z -> w) -> (forall xs. Match r0 xs -> HList xs -> x) -> (forall ys. Match r1 ys -> HList ys -> y) -> (forall zs. Match r2 zs -> HList zs -> z) -> Match (r0 <> (r1 <> r2)) ws -> HList ws -> w
- data REList :: RE * -> * where
- mkREList :: MatchI re xs => HList xs -> REList re
- withREList :: forall re x. REList re -> (forall xs. Match re xs -> HList xs -> x) -> x
- withREListI :: forall re x. REList re -> (forall xs. MatchI re xs => HList xs -> x) -> x
- class ListInduction (xs :: [*]) where
- listInduction :: f '[] -> (forall y ys. f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> f xs
- class ListInductionC (c :: * -> Constraint) (xs :: [*]) where
- listInductionC :: Proxy c -> f '[] -> (forall y ys. c y => f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> f xs
- listInductionP :: forall f xs. f '[] -> (forall y ys. f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> SList xs -> f xs
- class REInductionC (c :: * -> Constraint) (re :: RE *) where
- reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f '[] -> (forall x. c x => f '[x]) -> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) -> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) -> f '[] -> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall xs. SList xs -> f xs) -> Match re zs -> f zs
- reInductionP :: forall f re zs. f '[] -> (forall x. f '[x]) -> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) -> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) -> f '[] -> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall xs. SList xs -> f xs) -> Match re zs -> f zs
- haskelly :: Match re xs -> HList xs -> Haskelly re
- type family Haskelly (re :: RE *) :: * where ...
- data Key (s :: Symbol) = Key
- key :: Key s -> Key s
- keyVal :: KnownSymbol s => Key s -> String
- rval :: Iso (REList (V a)) (REList (V b)) a b
- rpair :: Iso (REList (a <> b)) (REList (c <> d)) (REList a, REList b) (REList c, REList d)
- rfst :: Lens (REList (a <> c)) (REList (b <> c)) (REList a) (REList b)
- rsnd :: Lens (REList (c <> a)) (REList (c <> b)) (REList a) (REList b)
- rsum :: Iso (REList (a \/ b)) (REList (c \/ d)) (Either (REList a) (REList b)) (Either (REList c) (REList d))
- rleft :: Prism (REList (a \/ c)) (REList (b \/ c)) (REList a) (REList b)
- rright :: Prism (REList (c \/ a)) (REList (c \/ b)) (REList a) (REList b)
- rstar :: Traversal (REList (S a)) (REList (S b)) (REList a) (REList b)
- rnil :: Prism' (REList (S a)) ()
- rcons :: Prism (REList (S a)) (REList (S b)) (REList a, REList (S a)) (REList b, REList (S b))
- type T = T
- matchT :: SListI xs => Match T xs
- withTop :: y -> Match T zs -> HList zs -> y
Regular expressions
Regular expressions.
Tickless aliases
Heterogenous list
hsingleton :: a -> HList '[a] Source #
Create singleton HList
Append and Split
data Match :: RE * -> [*] -> * where Source #
Proof of match.
's are required, to better document the argument order for
Core-term construction in the plugin.
MatchE :: Match E '[] | |
MatchV :: forall a. Match (V a) '[a] | |
MatchA :: forall re re' xs ys. SList xs -> Match re xs -> Match re' ys -> Match (re <> re') (Append xs ys) | |
MatchL :: forall re re' xs. Match re xs -> Match (re \/ re') xs | |
MatchR :: forall re re' xs. Match re' xs -> Match (re \/ re') xs | |
MatchN :: forall re. Match (S re) '[] | |
MatchC :: forall re xs ys. SList xs -> Match re xs -> Match (S re) ys -> Match (S re) (Append xs ys) infixr 5 | |
MatchT :: forall xs. SList xs -> Match T xs |
Implicit match
class MatchI (re :: RE *) (xs :: [*]) where Source #
This class has no defined instances.
KleenePlugin can solve the constraints for you.
justMatchIt :: Match re xs Source #
Smart constructors
Smart destructors
withUnion :: (Match r xs -> HList xs -> x) -> (Match r' xs -> HList xs -> x) -> Match (r \/ r') xs -> HList xs -> x Source #
RE-indexed list
data REList :: RE * -> * where Source #
-indexed list.
withREList :: forall re x. REList re -> (forall xs. Match re xs -> HList xs -> x) -> x Source #
withREListI (REList matchV $ hsingleton True) $ withV not justMatchIt
withREListI :: forall re x. REList re -> (forall xs. MatchI re xs => HList xs -> x) -> x Source #
withREListI (REList matchV $ hsingleton True) $ withV not justMatchIt
There are two ways to write induction,
Using a structure proof, like
. If we fold overHList
, we could use it as a structure proof too; but for constucting it, we'd needSList
. This is 'listInductionP.The benefit of this approach is its simplicity. However, the drawback is that we need to define an auxiliary type family to provide constrained version. See
package (version 0.3).Alternatively, we can define a type class directly parametrised by the type-level structure.
This way additional constraints for different constructors can be added naturally. See
List structure
class ListInduction (xs :: [*]) where Source #
(Type-level) list induction.
ListInduction ([] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods listInduction :: f [] -> (forall y (ys :: [Type]). f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> f [] Source # | |
ListInduction xs => ListInduction (x ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods listInduction :: f [] -> (forall y (ys :: [Type]). f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> f (x ': xs) Source # |
class ListInductionC (c :: * -> Constraint) (xs :: [*]) where Source #
Constrained ListInduction
ListInductionC c ([] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods listInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall y (ys :: [Type]). c y => f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> f [] Source # | |
(c x, ListInductionC c xs) => ListInductionC c (x ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods listInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall y (ys :: [Type]). c y => f ys -> f (y ': ys)) -> f (x ': xs) Source # |
This is the third variant of list induction, using a proof object SList
RE structure
class REInductionC (c :: * -> Constraint) (re :: RE *) where Source #
Constrainted RE
induction of lists!
We need the Match
object, as it connects re
and xs
Note: This is an induction on the structure of the Match
, not the xs
:: Proxy c | |
-> f '[] | case: |
-> (forall x. c x => f '[x]) | case: |
-> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) | case: |
-> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) | case: |
-> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) | case: |
-> f '[] | case: |
-> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) | case: |
-> (forall xs. SList xs -> f xs) | case: |
-> Match re zs |
-> f zs |
REInductionC c (T :: RE Type) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall x. c x => f (x ': [])) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> f [] -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs) -> Match T zs -> f zs Source # | |
REInductionC c (E :: RE Type) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall x. c x => f (x ': [])) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> f [] -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs) -> Match E zs -> f zs Source # | |
REInductionC c x => REInductionC c (S x) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall x0. c x0 => f (x0 ': [])) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> f [] -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs) -> Match (S x) zs -> f zs Source # | |
c x => REInductionC c (V x) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall x0. c x0 => f (x0 ': [])) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> f [] -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs) -> Match (V x) zs -> f zs Source # | |
(REInductionC c r, REInductionC c s) => REInductionC c (r :\/ s) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall x. c x => f (x ': [])) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> f [] -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs) -> Match (r :\/ s) zs -> f zs Source # | |
(REInductionC c r, REInductionC c s) => REInductionC c (r :<> s) Source # | |
Defined in Kleene.Type Methods reInductionC :: Proxy c -> f [] -> (forall x. c x => f (x ': [])) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). f xs -> f xs) -> f [] -> (forall (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) -> (forall (xs :: [Type]). SList xs -> f xs) -> Match (r :<> s) zs -> f zs Source # |
:: f '[] | case: |
-> (forall x. f '[x]) | case: |
-> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) | case: |
-> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) | case: |
-> (forall xs. f xs -> f xs) | case: |
-> f '[] | case: |
-> (forall xs ys. SList xs -> f xs -> f ys -> f (Append xs ys)) | case: |
-> (forall xs. SList xs -> f xs) | case: |
-> Match re zs |
-> f zs |
Induction using Match
Conversion to Haskelly types.
haskelly :: Match re xs -> HList xs -> Haskelly re Source #
Convert to haskelly types1
Note: Inverse would require RE
singleton, SRE
data Key (s :: Symbol) Source #
Key |
Naming convention is simple: r
+ 3-5 characters.
rsum :: Iso (REList (a \/ b)) (REList (c \/ d)) (Either (REList a) (REList b)) (Either (REList c) (REList d)) Source #
rcons :: Prism (REList (S a)) (REList (S b)) (REList a, REList (S a)) (REList b, REList (S b)) Source #