PHOAS to de Bruijn conversion

Posted on 2025-02-13 by Oleg Grenrus agda

Recently I looked again at PHOAS, and once again I concluded it's nice for library APIs, but so painful to do anything with inside those libraries. So let convert to something else, like de Bruijn.

There are standalone source files if you just want to see the code:

How to convert PHOAS terms to de Bruijn terms?

The solution is hard to find.

You can cheat, [as mentioned by Roman on Agda mailing list]:

There is always a way to cheat, though. You can turn the PHOAS -> untyped de Bruijn machinery into the PHOAS -> typed de Bruijn machinery by checking that future contexts indeed extend past contexts and throwing an error otherwise (which can't happed, because future contexts always extend past contexts, but it's a metatheorem).

In "Generic Conversions of Abstract Syntax Representation" by Steven Keuchel and Johan Jeuring, authors also "cheat" a bit. The "Parametrhic higher-order abstract syntax" section ends with a somewhat disappointing

  where postulate whatever : _

Keuchel and Jeuring also mention "Unembedding Domain-Specific Languages" by Robert Atkey, Sam Lindley and Jeremy Yallop; where there is one unsatisfactory ⊥ (undefined in Haskell) hiding.

I think that for practical developments (say a library in Haskell), it is ok to make a small short cut; but I kept wondering isn't there is a way to make a conversion without cheating.

Well... it turns out that we cannot "cheat". Well-formedness of PHOAS representation depends on parametricity, and the conversion challenge seems to requires a theorem which there are no proof in Agda.

In unpublished (?) work Adam Chlipala shows a way to do the conversion without relying on postulates; but that procedure requires an extra well formedness proof of given PHOAS term.

This Agda development is a translation of that developement.

#Common setup

Our syntax representations will be well-typed, so we need types:

-- Types
data Ty : Set where
  emp : Ty
  fun : Ty  Ty  Ty

Ctx : Set
Ctx = List Ty

  A B C : Ty
  Γ Δ Ω : Ctx
  v : Ty  Set

#de Bruijn syntax

Var : Ctx  Ty  Set
Var Γ A = Idx A Γ -- from agda-np, essentially membership relation.

data DB (Γ : Ctx) : Ty  Set where
  var : Var Γ A  DB Γ A
  app : DB Γ (fun A B)  DB Γ A  DB Γ B
  lam : DB (A ∷ Γ) B  DB Γ (fun A B)
  abs : DB Γ emp  DB Γ A

#Parametric Higher-order abstract syntax

data PHOAS (v : Ty  Set) : Ty  Set where
  var : v A  PHOAS v A
  app : PHOAS v (fun A B)  PHOAS v A  PHOAS v B
  lam : (v A  PHOAS v B)  PHOAS v (fun A B)
  abs : PHOAS v emp  PHOAS v A

-- closed "true" PHOAS terms.
PHOAS° : Ty  Set₁
PHOAS° A =  {v}  PHOAS v A

#de Bruijn to PHOAS

This direction is trivial. An anecdotal evidence that de Bruijn representation is easier to transformation on.

phoasify : NP v Γ  DB Γ A  PHOAS v A
phoasify γ (var x)   = var (lookup γ x)
phoasify γ (app f t) = app (phoasify γ f) (phoasify γ t)
phoasify γ (lam t)   = lam λ x  phoasify (x ∷ γ) t
phoasify γ (abs t)   = abs (phoasify γ t)

#Interlude: Well-formedness of PHOAS terms

dam Chlipala defines an equivalence relation between two PHOAS terms, exp_equiv in Intensional, wf in CPDT book). e only need a single term well-formedness so can do a little less

The goal is to rule out standalone terms like

module Invalid where
  open import Data.Unit using (; tt)

  invalid : PHOAS  _ ) emp
  invalid = var tt

Terms like invalid cannot be values of PHOAS°, as all values of "v" inside PHOAS° have to originated from lam-constructor abstractions. We really should keep v parameter free, i.e. parametric, when constructing PHOAS terms.

The idea is then to simply to track which variables (values of v) are intoduced by lambda abstraction.

data phoasWf {v : Ty  Set} (G : ListTy v)) : {A : Ty}  PHOAS v A  Set
  varWf :  {A} {x : v A}
     Idx (A , x) G
     phoasWf G (var x)
  appWf :  {A B} {f : PHOAS v (fun A B)} {t : PHOAS v A}
     phoasWf G f
     phoasWf G t
     phoasWf G (app f t)
  lamWf :  {A B} {f : v A  PHOAS v B}
     ( (x : v A)  phoasWf ((A , x)  G) (f x))
     phoasWf G (lam f)
  absWf :  {A} {t : PHOAS v emp}
     phoasWf G t
     phoasWf G (abs {A = A} t)

-- closed terms start with an empty G
phoasWf° : PHOAS° A  Set
phoasWf° tm =  {v}  phoasWf {v = v} [] tm

A meta theorem is then that all PHOASᵒ terms are well-formed, i.e.

meta-theorem-proposition : Set₁
meta-theorem-proposition =  {A} (t : PHOAS° A)  phoasWf° t

As far as I'm aware this proposition cannot be proved nor refuted in Agda.

#de Bruijn to PHOAS translation creates well-formed PHOAS terms.

As a small exercise we can show that phoasify of closed de Bruijn terms creates well-formed PHOAS terms.

toList : NP v Γ  List (Σ Ty v)
toList []       = []
toList (x ∷ xs) = (_ , x) ∷ toList xs

phoasifyWfVar : (γ : NP v Γ) (x : Var Γ A)  Idx (A , lookup γ x) (toList γ)
phoasifyWfVar (x ∷ γ) zero    = zero
phoasifyWfVar (x ∷ γ) (suc i) = suc (phoasifyWfVar γ i)

phoasifyWf : (γ : NP v Γ) (t : DB Γ A)  phoasWf (toList γ) (phoasify γ t)
phoasifyWf γ (var x)   = varWf (phoasifyWfVar γ x)
phoasifyWf γ (app f t) = appWf (phoasifyWf γ f) (phoasifyWf γ t)
phoasifyWf γ (lam t)   = lamWf λ x  phoasifyWf (x ∷ γ) t
phoasifyWf γ (abs t)   = absWf (phoasifyWf γ t)

phoasifyWf° : (t : DB [] A)  phoasWf° (phoasify [] t)
phoasifyWf° t = phoasifyWf [] t

#PHOAS to de Bruijn

The rest deals with the opposite direction.

In Intensional Adam Chlipala uses v = λ _ → ℕ instatiation to make the translation.

I think that in the typed setting using v = λ _ → Ctx turns out nicer.

The idea in both is that we instantiate PHOAS variables to be de Bruijn levels.

data IsSuffixOf {} {a : Set} : List a  List a  Setwhere
  refl :  {xs}  IsSuffixOf xs xs
  cons :  {xs ys}  IsSuffixOf xs ys   {y}  IsSuffixOf xs (y ∷ ys)

We need to establish well-formedness of PHOAS expression in relation to some context Γ

Note that variables encode de Bruijn levels, thus the contexts we "remember" in variables should be the suffix of that outside context.

wf : (Γ : Ctx)  PHOAS  _  Ctx) A  Set
wf {A = A} Γ (var Δ)         = IsSuffixOf (A ∷ Δ) Γ
wf         Γ (app f t)       = wf Γ f × wf Γ t
wf         Γ (lam {A = A} t) = wf (A ∷ Γ) (t Γ)
wf         Γ (abs t)         = wf Γ t

And if (A ∷ Δ) is suffix of context Γ, we can convert the evidence to the de Bruijn index (i.e. variable):

makeVar : IsSuffixOf (A ∷ Δ) Γ  Var Γ A
makeVar refl     = zero
makeVar (cons s) = suc (makeVar s)

Given the term is well-formed in relation to context Γ we can convert it to de Bruijn representation.

dbify : (t : PHOAS  _  Ctx) A)  wf Γ t  DB Γ A
dbify         (var x)   wf        = var (makeVar wf)
dbify         (app f t) (fʷ , tʷ) = app (dbify f fʷ) (dbify t tʷ)
dbify {Γ = Γ} (lam t)   wf        = lam (dbify (t Γ) wf)
dbify         (abs t)   wf        = abs (dbify t wf)

What is left is to show that we can construct wf for all phoasWf-well-formed terms.

Adam Chlipala defines a helper function:

makeG′ : Ctx  List (Σ Ty  _  Ctx))
makeG′ [] = []
makeG′ (A ∷ Γ) = (A , Γ) ∷ makeG′ Γ

However for somewhat technical reasons, we rather define

expand : (Γ : Ctx)  NP  _  Ctx) Γ
expand []      = []
expand (_ ∷ Γ) = Γ ∷ expand Γ

and use expand with previously defined toList to define our version of makeG:

makeG : Ctx  List (Σ Ty  _  Ctx))
makeG Γ = toList (expand Γ)

makeG and makeG′ are the same:

toList∘expand≡makeG :  Γ  makeG Γ ≡ makeG′ Γ
toList∘expand≡makeG []      = refl
toList∘expand≡makeG (A ∷ Γ) = cong ((A , Γ)_) (toList∘expand≡makeG Γ)

Then we can construct wf for all phoasWf:

wfWfVar : Idx (A , Δ) (makeG Γ) → IsSuffixOf (A ∷ Δ) Γ
wfWfVar {Γ = B ∷ Γ} zero    = refl
wfWfVar {Γ = B ∷ Γ} (suc i) = cons (wfWfVar i)

wfWf : (t : PHOAS (λ _ → Ctx) A) → phoasWf (makeG Γ) t → wf Γ t
wfWf         (var x)   (varWf xʷ)    = wfWfVar xʷ
wfWf         (app f t) (appWf fʷ tʷ) = wfWf f fʷ , wfWf t tʷ
wfWf {Γ = Γ} (lam f)   (lamWf fʷ)    = wfWf (f Γ) (fʷ Γ)
wfWf         (abs t)   (absWf tʷ)    = wfWf t tʷ

And finally we define dbifyᵒ for all well-formed PHOASᵒ terms.

dbify° : (t : PHOAS° A)  phoasWf° t  DB [] A
dbify° t w = dbify t (wfWf t w)

#Bonus section

We can show that converting closed de Bruijn term to PHOAS and back is an identity function:

bonus-var : (x : Var Γ A)  x ≡ makeVar (wfWfVar (phoasifyWfVar (expand Γ) x))
bonus-var {Γ = A  Γ} zero    = refl
bonus-var {Γ = A  Γ} (suc i) = cong suc (bonus-var i)

bonus : (t : DB Γ A)
       t ≡ dbify (phoasify (expand Γ) t)
              (wfWf (phoasify (expand Γ) t) (phoasifyWf _ t))
bonus (var x)   = cong var (bonus-var x)
bonus (app f t) = cong₂ app (bonus f) (bonus t)
bonus (lam t)   = cong lam (bonus t)
bonus (abs t)   = cong abs (bonus t)

bonus° :  (t : DB [] A)  t ≡ dbify° (phoasify [] t) (phoasifyWf° t)
bonus° t = bonus t

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