Core Inspection

Posted on 2024-04-12 by Oleg Grenrus

inspection-testing was created over five years ago. You may want to glance over Joachim Breitner A promise checked is a promise kept: inspection testing) Haskell Symposium paper introducing it.

Already in 2018 I thought it's a fine tool, but it's more geared towards /library/ writers. They can check on (some) examples that the promises they make about the libraries they write work at least on some examples.

What we cannot do with current inspection-testing is check that the actual "real-life" use of the library works as intended.

Luckily, relatively recently, GHC got a feature to include all Core bindings in the interface files. While the original motivation is different (to make Template Haskell run fast), the -fwrite-if-simplified-core enables us to inspect (as in inspection testing) the "production" Core (not the test examples).

The cabal-core-inspection is a very quick & dirty proof-of-concept of this idea.

Let me illustrate this with two examples.

In neither example I need to do any test setup, other than configuring cabal-core-inspection (though configuration is now hardcoded). Compare that to configuring e.g. HLint (HLint has user definable rules, and these are actually powerful tool). In fact, cabal-core-inspection is nothing more than a linter for Core.


First example is countChars as in Haskell Symposium Paper.

countChars :: ByteString -> Int
countChars = T.length . T.toUpper . TE.decodeUtf8

The promise is (actually: was) that no intermediate Text values are created.

As far as I know, we cannot use inspection-testing in its current form to check anything about non-local bindings, so if countChars is defined in an application, we would need to duplicate its definition in the test-suite to inspect it. That is not great.

With Core inspection, we can look at the actual Core of the module (as it is in the compiler interface file).

The prototype doesn't have any configuration, but if we imagine it has we could ask it to check that Example.countChars should not contain type Text. The prototype prints

Text value created with decodeUtf8With1 in countChars

So that's not the case. The intermediate Text value is created. In fact, nowadays text doesn't promise that toUpper fuses with anything.

A nice thing about cabal-core-inspection that (in theory) it could check any definition in any module as long as it's compiled with -fwrite-if-simplified-core. So we could check things for our friends, if we care about something specific.

#no Generics

Second example is about GHC.Generics. I use a simple generic equality, but this could apply to any GHC.Generics based deriving. (You should rather use deriving stock Eq, but generic equality is a simplest example which I remembered for now).

The generic equality might be defined in a library. And library author may actually have tested it with inspection-testing. But does it work on our type?

If we have

data T where
    T1 :: Int -> Char -> T
    T2 :: Bool -> Double -> T
  deriving Generic

instance Eq T where
    (==) = genericEq

it does. The cabal-core-inspection doesn't complain.

But if we add a third constructor

data T where
    T1 :: Int -> Char -> T
    T2 :: Bool -> Double -> T
    T3 :: ByteString -> T.Text -> T

cabal-core-inspection barfs:

Found L1 from GHC.Generics
Found :*: from GHC.Generics
Found R1 from GHC.Generics

The T becomes too large for GHC to want inline all the generics stuff.

It won't be fair to blame the library author, for example for

data T where
    T1 :: Int -> T
    T2 :: Bool -> T
    T3 :: Char -> T
    T4 :: Double -> T
  deriving Generic

generic equality still optimises well, and doesn't have any traces of GHC.Generics. We may actually need to (and may be adviced to) tune some GHC optimisation parameters. But we need a way to check whether they are enough. inspection-testing doesn't help, but a proper version of core inspection would be perfect for that task.


The -fwrite-if-simplified-core enables us to automate inspection of actual Core. That is a huge win. The cabal-core-inspection is just a proof-of-concept, and I might try to make it into a real thing, but right now I don't have a real use case for it.

I'm also worried about Note [Interface File with Core: Sharing RHSs] in GHC. It says

In order to avoid duplicating definitions for bindings which already have unfoldings we do some minor headstands to avoid serialising the RHS of a definition if it has *any* unfolding.

  • Only global things have unfoldings, because local things have had their unfoldings stripped.
  • For any global thing which has an unstable unfolding, we just use that.

Currently this optimisation is disabled, so cabal-core-inspection works, but if it's enabled as is; then INLINEd bindings won't have their simplified unfoldings preserved (but rather only "inline-RHS"), and that would destroy Core inspection possibility.

But until then, cabal-core-inspection idea works.

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