More QualifiedDo examples

Posted on 2024-02-27 by Oleg Grenrus

Qualified do-notation, QualifiedDo, is a nice syntactical extension in GHC. Probably the best its property is that it changes semantics only locally, by using explicit "annotation": by qualifying the do keyword1. This means that enabling the extension doesn't change meaning of other & existing code.

I'll give two examples of QualifiedDo applications.

#First example: COMPLETE pattern synonyms

GHC had long had PatternSynonyms. One use case for pattern synonyms is to provide backward compatibility when data type constructors change: preserving old constructor names and arguments as a compatibility pattern synonym.

For example, we used to have data Solo = Solo a. Recently the constructor was renamed to MkSolo to avoid name punning. To not break all the code using Solo constructor there compatibility pattern synonym was added:

pattern Solo :: a -> Solo
pattern Solo x = MkSolo x
{-# COMPLETE Solo #-}

The COMPLETE pragma says that a pattern match using Solo pattern synonym is complete, so we wouldn't get incomplete pattern match warnings2.

But COMPLETE support is (ironically) incomplete. If we have a do block like

broken :: Monad m => m (Solo a) -> m a
broken s = do
    Solo x <- s
    return x

the GHC will error because we don't have MonadFail instance (to desugar incomplete pattern match: Could not deduce (MonadFail m), that is GHC issue #15681). There are various workarounds, but I don't remember anyone mentioning QualifiedDo.

If we write a small helper module

module M ((>>=), (>>), fail) where

import Prelude ((>>=), (>>), Monad, String, error)
import GHC.Stack

fail :: (Monad m, HasCallStack) => String -> m a
fail = error

we can change broken into something which works:

import qualified M

works :: Monad m => m (Solo a) -> m a
works s =
    Solo x <- s
    return x

Now if GHC needs to fail, it will simply error.

I hope that it's obvious that this is a band-aid: if you are relying on fail doing something useful (e.g. in Maybe), this will obviously break your program. But as QualifiedDo usage is explicitly annotated it's not a spooky action at the distance. And HasCallStack annotation should help you find the mistakes if any happen.

#Second example: zero-overhead effects

At work I have been (adjacently) working with the code building on top of io-sim. TL;DR you write your code using (a lot of) type-classes, and then can either run your code in real IO (production) or in a simulator IOSim (for tests). But I'm getting slightly anxious thinking about having all I/O code being abstracted using type-classes making the true IO case potentially go slow. (This is mtl-like take on effect handling, but even effectful or something based on delimited continuations aren't zero-overhead: the overhead is there, just smaller).

What we truly want is a complete specialisation of effect-related type-classes, so there aren't any abstraction bits left when the use case is concrete (in mtl approach we can theoretically get there, but not in practice. In effectful or delimited-continuations a small cost is always there, but it doesn't rely that much on compiler optimising well).

Most likely, if your code isn't pushing both the I/O and CPU utilization at the same time, either approach will work ok. Compare that to data science done in Python: Python is a quite slow glue language, but it's combining bigger fast running "primitive" blocks. So if there is very little glue code, and the most work is done inside the abstracted primitives, the glue being tacky doesn't matter.

But can we do better?

In GHC we can do better using staging i.e. Typed Template Haskell (TTH). At first I was worried that TTH syntactic overhead will be off-putting until I remembered that QualifiedDo extension exists!

We can write code like:

import qualified SIO

example :: SIO.SIO i m => i FilePath -> m ()
example fn =
  contents <- SIO.readFile fn
  SIO.putStr contents

that looks like normal Haskell. If we were forced to use >>= like operator explicitly, e.g. writing

example' :: SIO.SIO i m => i FilePath -> m ()
example' fn =
  SIO.readFile fn >>>= \contents ->
  SIO.putStr contents

it wouldn't be as nice.

The SIO type class has the part which looks almost like Monad, but not exactly:

class SIO i m | m -> i where
  (>>=)    :: m a -> (i a -> m b) -> m b

The "pure" values are wrapped inside type constructor i (for identity).

The readFile and putStr are also in the same type-class (could be different, doesn't really matter):

  readFile :: i FilePath -> m ByteString
  putStr   :: i ByteString -> m ()

We can have concrete instances, like IO (or actually IOSim) for tests:

instance SIO Identity IO where
  (>>=) :: forall a b. IO a -> (Identity a -> IO b) -> IO b
  (>>=) = coerce (bindIO @a @b)

  readFile = coerce BS.readFile
  putStr = coerce BS.putStr

But because we are liberated from the restricting shape of the Monad type class, we can have instance for CodeQ from template-haskell:

newtype CodeIO a = CodeIO { unCodeIO :: CodeQ (IO a) }

instance SIO CodeQ CodeIO where
  m >>= k     = CodeIO
    [|| bindIO $$(unCodeIO m) (\x -> $$(unCodeIO (k [|| x ||]))) ||]
  readFile fn = CodeIO [|| BS.readFile $$fn ||]
  putStr bs   = CodeIO [|| BS.putStr $$bs ||]

Then in our main production module we can splice the example in like

spliced :: FilePath -> IO ()
spliced fn = $$(SIO.unCodeIO $
    example [|| fn ||]
    example [|| fn ||])

and the generated code has no effect handling abstractions; in fact not even a Monad, as we used thenIO and bindIO building blocks:

spliced fn_a3kY =
       ((GHC.Base.bindIO (Data.ByteString.readFile fn_a3kY))
          (\ x_a3m2 -> Data.ByteString.putStr x_a3m2)))
      ((GHC.Base.bindIO (Data.ByteString.readFile fn_a3kY))
         (\ x_a3m3 -> Data.ByteString.putStr x_a3m3))

We have a precise control (but also a responsibility) to control the inlining of building blocks (i.e. if we want example let-bound first and then called twice, we must do that manually: power comes with responsibility). This is either a pro or con, depending on your POV. I think this is a pro if you go this far caring about the performance. If GHC Haskell had a type-class like mechanism with full monomorphisation guarantee, we'd would still like to to control inlining.

You may also worry that "wont staging generate a lot of code". Yes it will, but so would full monomorphisation (of templates in C++ or traits in Rust). It's a behaviour we arguably want, but it's GHC which may be worried and don't do too good job. With staging we could also do modular code-generation too, making layered type-class hierarchy, generating i.e. "pre-splicing" intermediate layers (layers like in three layer cake).


QualifiedDo is a neat GHC extension. We saw two more examples of its usage, where we want something like regular Monad desugaring, but which doesn't fit the Monad type-class. I also think we could have more of Qualified* syntactic extensions.

  1. In comparison ApplicativeDo applies globally. These design choices are probably not-so-intentional. For QualifiedDo it would require some additional setting to change all do statements in the source module (like -fplugin takes a module name). OTOH ApplicativeDo main motivation (using it with haxl) was to use it globally. But if you want to use it only in some do statement, you can't. Similarly OverloadedStrings applies to all string literals, and in the same way for all of them. Compare to Python which has kind of "QualifiedStrings" with string literals very differently: imagine writing T."this is text" but still having "this is string" :: String, without any type-class resolution.↩︎

  2. GHC doesn't try to reason about completeness through pattern synonyms: you may want to keep a pattern synonym group intentionally incomplete (so extending an otherwise abstract type with new ones isn't a breaking change), or to tell that something is complete (due to invariant you maintain, but GHC has no chance figuring out).↩︎

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