More traversals and more Cabal SAT

Posted on 2023-10-17 by Oleg Grenrus

In [the previous post] I discussed using traversals for batch operations.

I forgot to mention any libraries which actually do this. They are kind of hard to find, as often the Traversable usage comes up very naturally.

One such example is unification-fd. As the name suggests the library is for doing unification. One operation in the process is applying bindings, i.e. substituting the unification values with the terms they have been unified to. (I think that's what zonking is in GHC1).

The function type signature is

applyBindings :: (...)
              => UTerm t v -> em m (UTerm t v)

But the library also provides the batched method:

applyBindingsAll :: (..., Traversable s)
                 => s (UTerm t v) -> em m (s (UTerm t v))

And the docs say:

Same as applyBindings, but works on several terms simultaneously. This function preserves sharing across the entire collection of terms, whereas applying the bindings to each term separately would only preserve sharing within each term.

The library also has freshen and freshenAll.

When I was studying how unification-fd works, having applyBindingsAll operation with Traversable is very natural, the library make use of Traversable a lot already anyway.

There are probably more examples, but I cannot find them. (If you know any others, please tell me, I'll be happy to learn more, and maybe include them into this post).


One another example is sat-simple, a hopefully simple SAT library (e.g. simpler than ersatz).

/The/ operation of a library is

solve :: Traversable model => model (Lit s) -> SAT s (model Bool)

We have some model with symbolic boolean variables (Lit s), and the solve finds a concrete assignment of them Bool.

For comparison, ersatz uses type-family (Decoded):

solveWith :: (Monad m, HasSAT s, Default s, Codec a)
          => Solver s m -> StateT s m a -> m (Result, Maybe (Decoded a))

while ersatz approach is arguably more expressive, find it somewhat more "magical": The Decoded x value may look very different than x.

#different types

I saw a comment on Twitter/X

If arguments can have different types then you need to generalize somehow, and product-profunctors is one sufficient generalization.

I never grasped product-profunctors library. The ProductProfunctor class looks like

class (forall a. Applicative p a, Profunctor p) => where
   (***!) :: p a b -> p a' b' -> p (a, a') (b, b')  -- Arrow has (***)

and it feels like a very ad-hoc collection of things.


There is an alternative solution to "if arguments can have different types". Often when you have singular thing, and you want to generalize to many things, you make an indexed version of the singular thing.

By indexed here I mean, changing Type to I -> Type for some index I.

A simple example is recursive types. Suppose a language has recursive types, so we can write

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

but this language does not have mutual recursive types, but happens to have DataKinds and GADTs like features.

So we cannot write

data Even = Zero | SuccOdd  Odd
data Odd  = One  | SuccEven Even

but we can write

data I = E | O

type :: I -> Type
data EvenOdd i where
    Zero     :: EvenOdd E
    SuccOdd  :: EvenOdd O -> EvenOdd E
    One      :: EvenOdd O
    SuccEven :: EvenOdd E -> EvenOdd O

type Even = EvenOdd E
type Odd  = EvenOdd O

And sometimes the latter encoding "works" better, e.g. mutual recursion becomes ordinary recursion on a single type. I remember having better time satisfying Coq termination checker with a similar trick.

#another indexed traversable

So what does "indexed" Traversable looks like. It looks like

type FTraversable :: ((k -> Type) -> Type) -> Constraint
class (...) => FTraversable t where
  ftraverse :: Applicative m => (forall a. f a -> m (g a)) -> t f -> m (t g)

This class exists in many libraries on Hackage

I use FTraversable in my version-sat experiment.

It's like simple-sat, but adds Version literals. The solve function has more general type, which however looks very similar.

solve :: FTraversable model => model (Lit s) -> SAT s (model Identity)

We can have symbolic booleans Lit s Bool, but also symbolic versions Lit s Version, the resulting model will have Bools and Versions (wrapped in Identity).

"Historical" note: simple-sat started as hkdsat, trying to allow encodings like in ersatz, and maybe it eventually will, if I find simple way to add them. 2

#version-sat: satisfiable

What I do with version-sat. Well, it's just an experiment for now. One thing you can do, is to ask whether a Cabal library has any build plan.

That is very straight-forward: convert a library stanza (conditional tree) information into proposition formula and ask whether it has any satisfiable models.

It turns out that 417 of 125991 libraries are unsatisfiable. For example vector- has been revisioned with base <0 bound.

I think that is fine number. Mistakes happen and 0.33% is a very small amount of b0rked releases. Many of these revisions are actually on my packages. And probably the number should be a bit larger, as people deprecate package version, which allows them still be installed, just less prioritized.

While you can look for unsatisfiable build-depends syntactically, it's becomes less obvious with if conditionals etc.

Throwing problem at a SAT solver in full generality is a complete (i.e. always give a definitive answer) approach.

#version-sat: disjoint automatic flags

Another question we can ask version-sat is

Is there a install-plan which satisfies package definition with an automatic flag turned on *and* off.

That probably needs an explanation. In cabal-install solver as sat solver I briefly touched this topic.

Perfectly, the automatic flag assignment is disjoint, so the assignment made by dependency solver is deterministic (function of package versions in install plan).

The easy way to ensure it is to have disjoint constraints:

  if flag(old-locale)
        old-locale  >= && <1.1
      , time        >=1.4     && <1.5

    build-depends: time >=1.5 && <1.7

The time <1.5 and time >=1.5 constraints are disjoint, so depending on which time package version is picked, the value of old-locale flag is forced.

I was surprised that 15776 of 136048 libraries are with non-disjoint automatic flags (11.60%). That number seems very high.

There are obvious false positives however, e.g. semigroups has following structure

if impl(ghc < 7.11.20151002)
    if flag(bytestring)
      if flag(bytestring-builder)
        build-depends: bytestring         >= 0.9    && < 0.10.4,
                       bytestring-builder >= 0.10.4 && < 1
        build-depends: bytestring         >= 0.10.4 && < 1

An automatic bytestring-builder flag has only an effect on old GHC and when manul bytestring flag are on.

However, the dependency solver would still try to flip bytestring-builder flag if it cannot satisfy the other dependencies. Not a terrible cost in case of semigroups, but might be for some other packages (with non-trivial dependencies). A way to force it would be to have

if impl(ghc < 7.11.20151002)
  if flag(bytestring-builder)
    build-depends: base <0

Another example of invalid usage of automatic flag is e.g. examples flag in Earley (which have been fixed long ago: examples is now a manual flag). The flag disables building of example executables. When it was automatic dependency solver could unnecessarily flip it, and try to satisfy the example dependencies as well.

Unfortunately there are a lot of what I consider invalid usage of automatic flags. (Having flags automatic by default is really a wrong default, IMO).

But for example accelerate, atomic-primops, hashtables, unordered-containers have flags like debug, bounds-checks which affect the package code in a non-trivial way. You definitely don't want dependency solver flipping flags like that.

The Cabal documentation says

By default, Cabal will first try to satisfy dependencies with the default flag value and then, if that is not possible, with the negated value.

However, I don't think this can or should be relied upon. The build plans are generally non-comparable.

A somewhat contrived example is

flag foo
  default: True

flag bar
  default: True


  if flag(foo) && flag(bar)
    build-depends: base <0

the solver will need to make a (non-deterministic choice) to flip either flag.

Secondly, it restricts possible alternative solver implementations. I.e. they also would need to try hard to keep automatic flags at their default values. Luckily e.g. minisat tries literals with False first, so one can initialise flag literals so their default value matches. Still, SAT solver is a black box, there isn't hard guarantees it won't flip something just because it feels like that.

TL;DR from the cabal-install solver as sat solver post:

Only use automatic flags for encoding `if build-depends(...)` like constraints.

  1. GHC relies heavily on mutability in the typechecker for efficient operation. For this reason, throughout much of the type checking process meta type variables (the MetaTv constructor of TcTyVarDetails) are represented by mutable variables (known as TcRefs).

    Zonking is the process of ripping out these mutable variables and replacing them with a real Type. This involves traversing the entire type expression, but the interesting part of replacing the mutable variables occurs in zonkTyVarOcc.↩︎

  2. In my opinion, the Bool only, Traversable based solve is very simple to work with, when it's enough. And the Version encoding in version-sat is (ab)using mutability a lot, I haven't tried to do it in ersatz.↩︎

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