Use traversals for batch operations

Posted on 2023-10-12 by Oleg Grenrus

Often enough we have an API which may (or need) to provide a batch operation: "give me many inputs, and I'll give you many outputs".

For example, shake has operators like

-- Define a rule for building multiple files at the same time.
(&%>) :: [FilePattern] -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules ()

And the usage looks like

["*.o","*.hi"] &%> \[o,hi] -> do
    let hs = o -<.> "hs"
    need ... -- all files the .hs import
    cmd "ghc -c" [hs]

but that is terrible. \[o, hi] -> ... is a incomplete pattern match. Recent GHCs included -Wincomplete-uni-patterns in -Wall:

warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns]
    Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive

There is a relation: the inputs and outputs counts should match, but that is not encoded in the types, so compiler cannot know.

One option is to use Vec:

(&%>) :: Vec n FilePattern -> (Vec n FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()

Here it's clear that the output count will match the input count.

Than the usage will look like:

("*.o" ::: "*.hi" ::: Nil) &%> \(o ::: hi ::: Nil) -> do
    let hs = o -<.> "hs"
    need ... -- all files the .hs import
    cmd "ghc -c" [hs]

This is slightly more noisy1 but the pattern match is complete.

Another alternative is to use traversals.

(&%>) :: Traversable t
      => t FilePattern -> (t FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()

This abstracts over both previous usages. You may use Vecs if you really don't like (turning off) the incomplete pattern warnings. Or you may continue use lists, as lists are Traversable, and the signature of this variant of (&%>) tells (and restricts the implementation) to just traversing the structure.

You can go one step further and use Each class from lens2, which generalises Traversable:

(&%>) :: Each FilePattern FilePath ps fs
      => ps -> (fs -> Action ()) -> Rules ()

As Each has special instance for tuples (forcing them to be homogeneous), our running example can be written neatly as:

("*.o","*.hi") &%> \(o,hi) -> do
    let hs = o -<.> "hs"
    need ... -- all files the .hs import
    cmd "ghc -c" [hs]

Each traversal :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t can be converted into a s -> FunList a b t function and back:

data FunList a b t = Done t
                   | More a (FunList a b (b -> t))

-- this can be done more efficent using Curried Yoneda,
-- without using `append`.
-- See
-- and
funList :: (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
        -> s -> FunList a b t
funList trav s = trav singleton s

unfunList :: forall f s t a b. Applicative f => (s -> FunList a b t)
          -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
unfunList f afb s = go (f s) where
    go :: FunList a b r -> f r
    go (Done t)    = pure t
    go (More x xs) = liftA2 (&) (afb x) (go xs)


empty :: t -> FunList a b t
empty = Done

append :: (t -> s -> r) -> FunList a b t -> FunList a b s -> FunList a b r
append h (Done t)    ys = fmap (\s -> h t s) ys
append h (More x xs) ys = More x $ append (\bt s b -> h (bt b) s) xs ys

singleton :: a -> FunList a b b
singleton x = More x (Done id)

instance Applicative (FunList a b) where
    pure = empty
    liftA2 = append

so if your underlying implementation would be easier using a concrete type (instead of using traversal directly) then a FunList is one candidate:

(&%>) :: FunList FilePattern FilePath res -> (res -> Action ()) -> Rules ()

that would be terrible to use, but it might be about as easy to implement as list variant.

Alternatively, you can "cheat" like lens does in partsOf implementation, by using a state monad:

Given an like operation fooList :: Monad m => [k] -> m [v], we can write a generalized version

fooTrav :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => t k -> m (t v)
fooTrav ks = do
    -- convert to list and use fooList
    vs <- fooList (toList ks)

    -- traverse ks again, replacing each k with a v from the state
    evalStateT (traverse (\_k -> state un) vs) ks
    un []     = error "invalid traversal"
    un (x:xs) = (x, xs)

Implementation using Each would look somewhat similar.

Finally, not only Traversable-powered interface allows to use complete pattern matches as in shake like use-cases, it also allows using more elaborate data-structures for batch operations.

For example, if you have a Map Client [Key] and you want to lookup every value getting Map Client [Value] back.

With Traversable interface it's as easy as using Compose, turning Map Client [Key] into Compose (Map Client) [] Key which fits the Traversable interface perfectly, so you avoid bundling-and-distributing code in the use sites: Map in, Map out.

The answer is always traverse.

  1. And if we had different OverloadedLists, this could look like previous, though I'm not aware if anyone figure how to do overloaded pattern matches for list-like structures so that Vec would fit it too.↩︎

  2. Which I'd like to split out into own tiny package↩︎

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