Singleton containers, all t a
values have a single a
value in it. We can use peekaboo
as a Lens
to extract the value inside.
class Traversable t => Singleton t where
peekaboo :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
There're plenty of instances, for example:
instance Singleton Identity where
peekaboo f (Identity x) = fmap Identity (f x)
instance Singleton ((,) a) where
peekaboo f (a, b) = fmap (\x -> (a , x)) (f b)
instance (Singleton f, Singleton g) => Singleton (Compose f g) where
peekaboo f (Compose x) = fmap Compose (peekaboo (peekaboo f) x)
We can use Singleton
to define Strong
, the class used to characterise Lens
in profunctor optics.
class Profunctor p => Strong' p where
peekaboo' :: Singleton f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)
and Strong'
are equivalent, from Strong'
direction is trivial:
newtype WrappedStrong' p a b = WrapStrong' { unwrapStrong' :: p a b }
instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (WrappedStrong' p) where
dimap f g = WrapStrong' . dimap f g . unwrapStrong'
instance Strong' p => Strong (WrappedStrong' p) where
second' = WrapStrong' . peekaboo' . unwrapStrong'
but the other is more involved:
newtype WrappedStrong p a b = WrapStrong { unwrapStrong :: p a b }
instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (WrappedStrong p) where
dimap f g = WrapStrong . dimap f g . unwrapStrong
instance Strong p => Strong' (WrappedStrong p) where
peekaboo' = WrapStrong
. dimap (\x -> (x, view peekaboo x))
(\(fa, b) -> fmap (const b) fa)
. second' . unwrapStrong