Achromatic lens

Posted on 2018-03-28 by Oleg Grenrus lens

Russel O'Connor mentionend on #haskell-lens about Guillaume Boisseau's masters thesis, which mentions Achromatic lenses:

oconnor: Guillaume also has a nice derivation of achromatic lenes.

Because the thesis is not online, we have to guess a little (while waiting for

This is post is my short notes on the topic, it's a brain dump (which type-checks though). More Profunctor Optics.

module Achromatic where

import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor (..), Forget (..))
import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..))
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Default (def)

type Optic p s t a b = p a b -> p s t

-- Classifies achromatic lenses
class Profunctor p => PointedCartesian p where
    pointedSecond :: p a b -> p (Maybe c, a) (Maybe c, b)

class PointedCartesian p => Strong p where
    second' :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)


roconnor: A lost of the bidirectional programming folks like a variant of lenses that have get, put, and create.

Achromatic lens has the operations of lens:

view :: Optic _ s s a a -> s -> a
over :: Optic _ s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t

but additionally it supports

review :: Optic _ t t b b -> b -> t

Or so what the type says. Let's try to implement these functions. We can check from the Glassery that we need PointedCartesian instance for Forget a, (->) and Tagged (for view, over and review respectively).

instance PointedCartesian (Forget a) where
    pointedSecond = second'

instance PointedCartesian (->) where
    pointedSecond = second'

-- Tagged isn't Strong!
instance PointedCartesian Tagged where
    pointedSecond (Tagged b) = Tagged (Nothing, b)


Three characterizing functions is difficult, so we can get away with two: view and

upsert' :: Optic Upsert s t a b -> b -> Maybe s -> t
upsert' p b = runUpsert (p (Upsert (const b)))

or even better:

upsert :: Optic Upsert s t a b -> (Maybe a -> b) -> Maybe s -> t
upsert p = runUpsert . p . Upsert

implemented using an auxiliary Profunctor:

newtype Upsert a b = Upsert { runUpsert :: Maybe a -> b }

instance Profunctor Upsert where
    dimap f g (Upsert ab) = Upsert (g . ab . fmap f)

-- Not code-golfed:
instance PointedCartesian Upsert where
    pointedSecond (Upsert mab) = Upsert $ \x -> case x of
        Nothing      -> (Nothing, mab Nothing)
        Just (mc, b) -> (mc,      mab (Just b))

Another option is to use isomophic type which is product of (->) and Tagged.

data Upsert' a b = Upsert' (a -> b) b

Exercise: Prove that in bicartesian closed category:

B^A \times B \cong B^{A + 1}


We can create a constructor from view and upsert like functions:

    :: PointedCartesian p
    => (s -> a)             -- ^ view
    -> (Maybe s -> b -> t)  -- ^ upsert
    -> Optic p s t a b
achroma sa msbt
    = dimap (\s -> (Just s, sa s)) (uncurry msbt)
    . pointedSecond


Let's play with cats:

data Cat = Cat
    { _catName  :: String
    , _catOwner :: Maybe String
    , _catLifes :: Maybe Int
  deriving Show

We can define an achromatic lens into name of a cat:

catName :: PointedCartesian p => Optic p Cat Cat String String
catName = achroma _catName $ \ms n ->
    maybe (Cat n Nothing Nothing) (\s -> s {_catName = n }) ms

And then we can write use catName as a constructor, getter or setter:

-- >>> felix
-- Cat {_catName = "Felix", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Just 7}
-- >>> felix & catName .~ "Haskell"
-- Cat {_catName = "Haskell", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Just 7}
-- >>> felix ^. catName
felix :: Cat
    = review catName "Felix"
    & catLifes ?~ 7


Obviously the Lens laws:

view l (set l v s)   ≡ v
set l (view l s) s   ≡ s
set l v' (set l v s) ≡ set l v' s

Then we can adopt the first prism (or iso) law:

view l (review l b) ≡ b

Note: that second prism law dowsn't hold

review l (view l s) ≢ s

with a counterexample

felix =
    Cat {_catName = "Felix", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Just 7}
review catName (view catName felix) =
    Cat {_catName = "Felix", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Nothing}

so an achromatic lens is not a prism.

Exercise: Formulate laws using view and upsert.


roconnor phadej: Guillaume's masters thesis suggests an API where the Default class is used for field types for achromatic lenses.

We can rewrite the example achromatic lens with def from Default.

catName' :: PointedCartesian p => Optic p Cat Cat String String
catName' = achroma _catName $ \ms n ->
    maybe (Cat n def def) (\s -> s {_catName = n }) ms

Because instance Default (Maybe a) where def = Nothing, this variant is the same as above where explicit Nothing is used.

You indeed don't need Eq or anything like that. (I was wrong when you check the IRC logs).

#van Laarhoven

Looks like we have to use PointedCartesian also in van Laarhoven formulation (the one lens library uses) of achromatic lens.

type OpticVL p f s t a b = p a (f b) -> p s (f t)

    :: (PointedCartesian p, Functor f)
    => (s -> a)             -- ^ view
    -> (Maybe s -> b -> t)  -- ^ upsert
    -> OpticVL  p f s t a b
achromaVL sa msbt
    = dimap (\s -> (Just s, sa s))(\(s, fb) -> fmap (msbt s) fb)
    . pointedSecond

We can define catNameVL achromatic lens as in above examples:

    :: (PointedCartesian p, Functor f)
    => OpticVL p f Cat Cat String String
catNameVL = achromaVL _catName $ \ms n ->
    maybe (Cat n def def) (\s -> s {_catName = n }) ms

And this definition works with lens library out-of-the-box:

import qualified Control.Lens          as L
import qualified Data.Generics.Product as G -- generic-lens

>>> catNameVL "felix"
Cat {_catName = "felix", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Nothing}

>>> let felix2 = catNameVL "felix" & G.field @"_catLifes" L.?~ 7
>>> felix2
Cat {_catName = "felix", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Just 7}

>>> felix2 & catNameVL L..~ "Haskell"
Cat {_catName = "Haskell", _catOwner = Nothing, _catLifes = Just 7}

>>> felix2 L.^. catNameVL


Definitions used above, but which are standard profunctor optics stuff.

review :: Optic Tagged t t b b -> b -> t
review o b = unTagged (o (Tagged b))

infixr 4 ?~
(?~) :: Optic (->) s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> s -> t
(?~) l b = l (const (Just b))

infixr 4 .~
(.~) :: Optic (->) s t a b -> b -> s -> t
(.~) l b = l (const b)

infixl 8 ^.
(^.) :: s -> Optic (Forget a) s s a a -> a
(^.) = flip view

view :: Optic (Forget a) s s a a -> s -> a
view l = runForget (l (Forget id))

catLifes  :: Strong p => Optic p Cat Cat (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int)
    = dimap (\(Cat n o l) -> ((n, o), l)) (\((n, o), l) -> Cat n o l)
    . second'

instance Strong (->) where
    second' f (c, a) = (c, f a)

instance Strong (Forget a) where
    second' (Forget p) = Forget (p . snd)

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