This write-up is motivated by discussion in servant/#704 issue. I try to summarize the main points.
As this is a literate haskell file, we'll need to do a small prelude dance:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Pool (Pool, withResource)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection)
import Log
import Servant
import qualified Control.Category
-- | Needed for 'MonadLog (LogT Handler)' instance
instance MonadTime Handler where
currentTime = liftIO currentTime
The issue started as instance XY-problem:
I won't answer to the Y, how to write combinators is different topic (have to write about that later). Let's see how to deal with X, by implementing a small Cat CR(UD) API:
-- we should have proper data/newtypes, but then we'll need to write instances.
-- we'll try to keep a boilerplate at the minimum in this example.
type Cat = Text
type CatName = Text
type API = "cat" :> Capture "name" CatName :> Put '[JSON] Cat -- create
:<|> "cat" :> Capture "name" CatName :> Get '[JSON] Cat -- read
api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy
Now we'll need to implement the api, we'll write a basic Haskell functions, which we would write anyway, we could reuse them in a console application, for example.
createCat :: MonadIO m => Connection -> CatName -> m Cat
createCat = error "not implemented"
readCat :: MonadIO m => Connection -> CatName -> m Cat
readCat = error "not implemented"
And the problem is that if we try to do
app :: Application
app = serve api $ createCat :<|> readCat
it will fail with a type-error message from GHC. Obviously, GHC cannot conjure Connection
for us. We need to pass it in somehow.
Partial application is a simple tool. We can partially apply the implementation to fit into type required by serve
. We'll make a situation a bit more interesting by using a connection pool:
app :: Pool Connection -> Application
app pool = serve api $
withResource1 pool createCat :<|> withResource1 pool readCat
withResource1 :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Pool a -> (a -> b -> m c) -> b -> m c
withResource1 pool f b = withResource pool $ \a -> f a b
As you can see we'd need to wrap every handler in withResource1
. It's not very elegant, but it works. And is very simple to understand.
offers the enter
utility, which let's you to remove this kind of boilerplate. We'll rewrite our handlers in MTL-style, with a MonadDB
type class. For the sake of example let's also add a MonadLog
from log-base
to the first endpoint.
class MonadDB m where
withConnection :: (Connection -> m a) -> m a
createCat' :: (MonadDB m, MonadLog m) => CatName -> m Cat
createCat' = error "not implemented"
readCat' :: (MonadDB m) => CatName -> m Cat
readCat' = error "not implemnted"
Looks good, but how we'll pass a connection (and a logger)? The answer is obvious, when you know it: we'll need to use a concrete monad implementation, for example:
newtype H a = H { runH :: ReaderT (Pool Connection) (LogT Handler) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTime, MonadLog)
instance MonadDB H where
withConnection f = H $ do
pool <- ask
withResource pool $ \conn -> runH (f conn)
And now enter
will to magic:
app' :: Pool Connection -> Logger -> Application
app' pool logger = serve api $ enter nt $ createCat' :<|> readCat'
nt = NT $ \m -> runLogT "api" logger (runReaderT (runH m) pool)
The nt
(for natural transformation) tells how to transform the concrete monad H
into servant's Handler
. The enter
machinery walks thru Server
-like type and applies that transformation, our endpoints are instantiated to H
in the process, so everything works out nicely.
If we used ReaderT (Connection Pool) Handler
as our concrete monad, then we could use runReaderTNat
to construct nt
The enter
is most useful when you have polymorphic handlers defined with mtl-like monad type-classes, so you can instantiate them all with the same concrete monad at then end. Note: that if we had concrete LogT Handler
in some handler, and ReaderT (Pool Connection) Handler
in some other one, enter
won't help!
So to conclude:
.Alp Mestanogullari summarised it well: gradually reach for fancier things as your needs grow, never when it's not required.
You can run this file with
stack --resolver=nightly-2017-03-01 ghci --ghci-options='-pgmL markdown-unlit' servant-db.lhs
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