Infix operator for pair type and term

Posted on 2023-07-09 by Oleg Grenrus

I found myself defining this kind of type alias and pattern synonym recently in many packages. You might find it nice too.

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, TypeOperators #-}

-- | An operator for pair type.
type (:=) a b = (a, b)

-- | A proper operator for pair creation.
-- @(,)@ always need parentheses which is often annoying.
-- @(':=')@ binds very losely, so you can do:
-- >>> 'x' := reverse $ "foo" ++ "bar"
-- ('x',"raboof")
-- Or even nested pairs, if you feel LISPy
-- (right associativity is "inherited" from @('$')@):
-- >>> 'x' := True := "bar" := ()
-- ('x',(True,("bar",())))
-- A common use example is creating maps:
-- >>> import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- >>> Map.fromList [ "foo" := True, "bar" := False ]
-- fromList [("bar",False),("foo",True)]
pattern (:=) :: a -> b -> a := b
pattern (:=) a b = (a, b)

infixr 0 :=

{-# COMPLETE (:=) #-}

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