Thanks to Matthew Pickering, I learned about affine traversals. Affine traversal is an optic that has 0 or 1 target; the fact which you can check by using specialised view function! While playing with them, you have to use Pointed
in the van Laarhoven formulation; profunctor one doesn't suffer from this (subjective) unelegancy!
Behold, profunctors ahead:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TupleSections #-}
module AffineTraversal where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Default
import Data.Functor.Apply
import Data.Pointed
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
Affine traversal is an optic that has 0 or 1 target (see e.g. failing
The simplest example would be:
ex1 f = (_1 . _Right) f
The problem is that in lens
(var Laarhoven encoding) a Prism
type PrismVL s t a b =
forall p f. (Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
here, Applicative
is too restrictive, forcing combination with
type LensVL s t a b =
forall f. (Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
to be full
type TraversalVL s t a b =
forall f. (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
To define prism, the disputed Pointed
class would be enough. In lens usage it won't be as bad, as library writer controls how they will instantiate f
in the optic!
If we had
type PrismVL' s t a b =
forall p f. (Choice p, Functor f, Pointed f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
-- | Using 'point', not 'pure'
prismVL' :: (b -> t) -> (s -> Either t a) -> PrismVL' s t a b
prismVL' bt seta = dimap seta (either point (fmap bt)) . right'
then we could define
type AffTraversalVL s t a b =
forall p f. (Functor f, Pointed f) => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
The "nice" consequence, is that
type GettingVL r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s
viewVL :: GettingVL a s a -> s -> a
viewVL l s = getConst (l Const s)
used on a AffTraversalVL
ex1' :: AffTraversalVL (Either c a, d) (Either c b, d) a b
ex1' = _1 . _Right
would give Default
values on non-match (and not mempty
λ> viewVL ex1 (Right 42, True) :: Int
λ> viewVL ex1 (Left 'a', True) :: Int
because Pointed (Const r)
is defined in terms of Default r
If we'd use profunctor optics, Lens
and Prism
are defined more uniformly:
type LensP s t a b = forall p. Strong p => p a b -> p s t
type PrismP s t a b = forall p. Choice p => p a b -> p s t
It turns out that their combination is the affine traversal!
type AffTraversalP s t a b =
forall p. (Strong p, Choice p) => p a b -> p s t
We can repeat the above example, if we define Choice (Forget r)
using Default
(instances are at the end):
newtype ForgetD r a b = ForgetD { runForgetD :: a -> r }
type GettingP r s a = ForgetD r a a -> ForgetD r s s
viewP :: GettingP a s a -> s -> a
viewP l = runForgetD (l (ForgetD id))
used on an optic
ex2 :: AffTraversalP (Either c a, d) (Either c b, d) a b
ex2 = first' . right'
seems to work:
λ> viewP ex2 (Right 42, True) :: Int
λ> viewP ex2 (Left 'a', True) :: Int
Another approach is to define
newtype ForgetM r a b = ForgetM { runForgetM :: a -> Maybe r }
type AffGettingP r s a = ForgetM r a a -> ForgetM r s s
affviewP :: AffGettingP a s a -> s -> Maybe a
affviewP l = runForgetM (l (ForgetM Just))
λ> affviewP ex2 (Right 42, True) :: Maybe Int
Just 42
λ> affviewP ex2 (Left 'a', True) :: Maybe Int
And as ForgetM
isn't (cannot be?) Traversing
, this won't type-check:
λ> affviewP traverse' ["foo", "bar"]
<interactive>:_:10: error:
• No instance for (Traversing (ForgetM [Char]))
but the viewP
does fold:
λ> viewP traverse' ["foo", "bar"]
We could define Traversing
instance for ForgetM
, but we deliberately don't, as we want that type-check failure to occur.
The profunctor approach is more elegant, as we don't need to rely on Pointed
, the point
is baked into affviewP
I think the AffTraversal
can be useful in practice. There are situations where you know that there is at most one value, hidden inside your big structure. By using firstOf
, we don't enforce that fact, but we could!
We can show that the definitions are equivalent. We start by specifying the constructors:
:: (s -> Either t a)
-> (s -> b -> t)
-> AffTraversalVL s t a b
afftraversalVL getter setter f s = case getter s of
Left t -> point t
Right a -> (\b -> setter s b) <$> f a
:: (s -> Either t a)
-> (s -> b -> t)
-> AffTraversalP s t a b
afftraversalP getter setter pab = dimap r l (first' (right' pab))
r s = (getter s, setter s)
l (Left t, _) = t
l (Right b, g) = g b
Then to go from profunctor to van Laarhoven, we'll need a profunctor kiosk:
data Kiosk a b s t = Kiosk (s -> Either t a) (s -> b -> t)
sellKiosk :: Kiosk a b a b
sellKiosk = Kiosk Right (\_ -> id)
instance Profunctor (Kiosk u v) where
dimap f g (Kiosk getter setter) = Kiosk
(\a -> first g $ getter (f a))
(\a v -> g (setter (f a) v))
instance Strong (Kiosk u v) where
first' (Kiosk getter setter) = Kiosk
(\(a, c) -> first (,c) $ getter a)
(\(a, c) v -> (setter a v, c))
instance Choice (Kiosk u v) where
right' (Kiosk getter setter) = Kiosk
(\eca -> assoc (second getter eca))
(\eca v -> second (`setter` v) eca)
assoc :: Either a (Either b c) -> Either (Either a b) c
assoc (Left a) = Left (Left a)
assoc (Right (Left b)) = Left (Right b)
assoc (Right (Right c)) = Right c
Then conversion is simple, as Kiosk
characterizes affine traversal, we can run the profunctor optic to get getters and setters, which in turn are used to construct van Laarhoven variant:
toVL :: AffTraversalP s t a b -> AffTraversalVL s t a b
toVL l = afftraversalVL getter setter
Kiosk getter setter = l sellKiosk
To go in other direction we need a functor kiask:
newtype Kiask a b t = Kiask { runKiask :: (Either t a, b -> t) }
sellKiask :: a -> Kiask a b b
sellKiask a = Kiask (Right a, id)
instance Functor (Kiask a b) where
fmap f (Kiask (Left t, g)) = Kiask (Left (f t), f . g)
fmap f (Kiask (Right a, g)) = Kiask (Right a, f . g)
instance Pointed (Kiask a b) where
point x = Kiask (Left x, const x)
And the conversion functions follows the same principle as previous one:
toP :: AffTraversalVL s t a b -> AffTraversalP s t a b
toP l = afftraversalP (fst . b) (snd . b)
b s = runKiask $ l sellKiask s
And those seem to work!
λ> viewVL (toVL ex2) (Right 42, True) :: Int
λ> viewVL (toVL ex2) (Left 'a', True) :: Int
λ> viewP (toP ex1) (Right 42, True) :: Int
λ> viewP (toP ex1) (Left 'a', True) :: Int
The traversal in profunctor optics is defined using Traversing
or Wander
class (Choice p, Strong p) => Traversing p where
traverse' :: Traversable f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)
traverse' = wander traverse
wander :: (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
-> p a b -> p s t
It's trivial to define Wander1
for non-empty traversals: replace Applicative
with Apply
and postfix 1
to the symbol names:
class (Choice p, Strong p) => Traversing1 p where
traverse1' :: Traversable1 f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)
traverse1' = wander1 traverse1
wander1 :: (forall f. Apply f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
-> p a b -> p s t
So let's go for affine traversal as well:
class (Choice p, Strong p) => AffTraversing p where
:: (forall f. (Functor f, Pointed f) => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
-> p a b -> p s t
afftraverse' :: AffTraversable f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)
afftraverse' = affwander afftraverse
where AffTraversable
has obvious definition, and Maybe
is a canonical instance:
class Functor t => AffTraversable t where
afftraverse :: (Functor f, Pointed f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
instance AffTraversable Maybe where
afftraverse _ Nothing = point Nothing
afftraverse f (Just x) = Just <$> f x
Using the conversion functions from the previous section, we can show that
type X s t a b = forall p. (Strong p, Choice p) => p a b -> p s t
type Y s t a b = forall p. (AffTraversing p) => p a b -> p s t
are isomorphic! It's 10 at the morning, so I don't try to conclude from that AffTraversing p
is equivalent to (Strong p, Choice p)
, but they are close. And what that means to the Default
& Pointed
Class | Functor | Container | Example | Cat |
Default | Pointed | AffTraversable | Maybe | ? |
Semigroup | Apply | Traversable1 | NonEmpty | Semigroupoid |
Monoid | Applicative | Traversable | [] | Category |
isn't equaivalent to Lens s t (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
as the latter let you remove values from the structure (e.g. at
The Lens s t (Maybe a) b
is closer:
ex3 :: LensVL (Either c a, d) (Either c b, d) (Maybe a) b
ex3 = lensVL getter setter
getter (Right a, _) = Just a
getter (_, _) = Nothing
setter (Right _, d) b = (Right b, d)
setter (Left x, d) b = (Left x, d)
but doesn't seem practical (and needs differently specified lens laws!)
Simple van Laarhoven optics:
lensVL :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> LensVL s t a b
lensVL sa sbt afb s = sbt s <$> afb (sa s)
_1 :: LensVL (a, c) (b, c) a b
_1 f (a, c) = flip (,) c <$> f a
_Right :: PrismVL' (Either c a) (Either c b) a b
_Right = prismVL' Right $ \e -> case e of
Left c -> Left (Left c)
Right a -> Right a
instance Profunctor (ForgetD r) where
dimap f _ (ForgetD k) = ForgetD (k . f)
instance Strong (ForgetD r) where
first' (ForgetD k) = ForgetD (k . fst)
-- | 'Default', not 'Monoid'
instance Default r => Choice (ForgetD r) where
left' (ForgetD k) = ForgetD (either k (const def))
instance (Default r, Monoid r) => Traversing (ForgetD r) where
wander f (ForgetD k) = ForgetD $ \s ->
getConst (f (Const . k) s)
instance Profunctor (ForgetM r) where
dimap f _ (ForgetM k) = ForgetM (k . f)
instance Strong (ForgetM r) where
first' (ForgetM k) = ForgetM (k . fst)
instance Choice (ForgetM r) where
left' (ForgetM k) = ForgetM (either k (const Nothing))
See discussion in r/haskell
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